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Ron Jenkins
[2003 to 2007]

Ron Jenkins was born in Kentucky, but raised in Chrisman, Illinois.  He is one of six kids and has a twin sister.  He studied Music Education in college, concentrating on piano and voice.  He loves to play the piano while friends sing along.  

While living in Chicago in 1992, a guy took him to a country & western dance bar for their first (and only!) date.  He went back the next week and has been country and western dancing ever since.  He can still be found almost every Sunday night at Sundance Saloon. 

Ron had seen the BCC perform several times at various events, and always thought it looked like fun.  He auditioned in 2003 and is now a part of the group.  He loves being part of the group because he loves to dance, the guys are great, and it is good exercise on top of it all! 

Ron's day job is as the regional HR manager for metroPCS in Alameda, and he lives with his partner, Jorge.