Get yer Barbary Coast loot on-line!

We have a selection of T-shirts, a video, and photographs... very popular items at our performances, and now available by mail! You can either order these items via Paypal or send a check to:

Barbary Coast Store
P.O. Box 14164
San Francisco, CA 94114

[Don't forget to include your address and descriptions of items you intend to purchase]

Appalachian Overdrive

Appalachian Overdrive was our very successful 20th anniversary show at the San Francisco Palace of Fine Arts. This full length show includes live music from Sidesaddle and performances by tap/step dancer, Ira Bernstein!


We have the following items available from the show:

DVD [$25]

T-Shirt (image of poster on back) [$10]


DVD/T-Shirt Combo [$30]


Banjo Buck T-Shirts



Definitely our most popular shirt! All of our shirts only come in white, and the image seen here is what is printed on the back!

T-Shirt (image on back) [$20]



8x10 publicity shots of our handsome mugs- autographed at no additional charge. [$5]


The Barbary Coast Cloggers is a non-profit organization working to preserve the art of clogging through education, instruction, and the celebration of its tradition. We gladly accept donations from anyone of like mind to help us connect more people to this valuable piece of American heritage.

You may specify a program to direct your funds from among the following options:

General Fund- money to be used as needed by the organization.
Educational Programs- allows Barbary Coast to perform at schools, museums, or other venues that wish to promote the value of education.
Instructional Programs- allows Barbary Coast to rent space and instructors to maintain clogging classes in San Francisco or teach at special events.
Production Design- allows Barbary Coast to invest money in new costumes for the company or new members, develop props for special dances, and other needs to improve our productions.
Technology Programs- allows for funding on-line outreach, advertising, and website improvements through the acquisiton of software and professional assistance.
Touring- establish a fund to support travel costs for performances outside the bay area.


For information about BCC Merchandise contact

Last modified: June 27, 2001