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Scott Terry
[2003 to 2005]

Scott Terry was born in Southern California, but grew up in Wyoming, Utah, Northern California, and Montana.

At the age of 16, he started competing in rodeos which included lots of time on the country western dance floor. “Country western dance is the only thing I know, I grew up being told that all good cowboys know how to two step. My grandparents are from the Ozarks and my Grandfather clogged (although in the Ozarks most people dance “flat foot” style rather than “percussion” style). The Barbary Coast Cloggers generally dance to bluegrass music in a more traditional style, so dancing with Barbary Coast is about preserving a piece of Americana that is hard to find these days. I guess it’s important to me to continue something my grandfather and presumably (from family stories) something my great grandfather did.”

Scott has been a Certified Financial Planner since 1989. He loves working on old houses, gardening, and painting in watercolors. His previous home in Oakland was featured in Sunset magazine in September of 2000.